Under contract with the City of Naples, Florida, ADEPT Strategy & Public Relations has completed an Independent Tourism Impact Study for the Naples Beach Restoration & Water Quality Improvements Project.

The Independent Professional Tourism Impact Study prepared by company founder and president Dana Pollitt and Attorney & Senior Strategist Stephanie Rosendorf-Diaz, Esq. analyzed how the Naples Beach Restoration & Water Quality Improvements Project and its North and South Basin Outfalls removal process will drastically enhance the beach aesthetically along the entire project area, increase water quality along the beach shoreline, and reduce flooding, with a particular focus on positive impacts on tourism-related business stemming from the project.
The study was a requirement of Florida Statute 125.014(5)(a)(6)(e) for Grant Agreements between the Collier County Tourist Development Council (TDC) and the City of Naples.

ADEPT's findings support that improving water quality, providing flood protection, and increased resiliency will promote tourism in the future. Each of these factors was found to also have the potential to dramatically increase the marketability of Naples and Collier County for future visitors seeking a clean, safe and aesthetically pleasing Naples Beach.

The overwhelming response from stakeholders and the general public interviewed on behalf of the independent study were in support of improved water quality and flood protection and each expressed support and concurred that these would be a benefit to tourism related business in the area.
In conclusion, it was ADEPT's opinion that the Naples Beach Restoration & Water Quality Improvements Project will have a positive impact on tourism and tourist related business activities in the City of Naples and Collier County, Florida.

For more information on this project and other Tourism Impact Studies completed, along with the wide variety of marketing, advertising, and communications services we provide, please visit www.adept.co.
Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, FL, ADEPT is a leading South Florida advertising, marketing and communications agency. ADEPT offers expertise in advertising, economic development, public and private procurement opportunities, direct advocacy, government & public affairs, social media, and digital marketing. For more information contact info@adept.co or visit www.adept.co.